Myths and Dragons V9990 chip requiered Digital version


Product Details

: 19

Product Description


The game is a typical capcom beat'em up, but with RPG elements. This means you can repeat stages to earn more gold and experiencie. You can purchase better weapons (purchasing a better weapon increases the strenght AND THE RANGE of the weapon) and restore your health in the shops arround the province of Tarragonia.
This RPG feature is not meant to artificially extend the life of the game, since the game can be beaten without dying and without repeating a single stage. This is meant for those who are not experiencied on this kind of games, so they can improve their characters and beat up the game regardless of their skills.
If a player beats the game without dying and without using a password, an extra will be unlocked.
The game can be played alone (1 player) or with a friend (2 players, cooperative mode). Each player can get his own password so they can save their individual progress.
As a matter of fact, 2 players can meet at someone's home and bring their individual passwords and play cooperatively with their individual characters using their own passwords, so you can carry your character arround and play with it at anyone's home. Just take a picture of youw password with your cellphone.
You can also fight versus the other player at any unlocked stage. Friendly fire is on, so, have fun!

The game has 2 different characters to play with (warrior and wizard) and the gameplay is different with each of them.
The pre-purchase version includes an exclusive third character: the princess, which is basically like the warrior, but in female version.

The game includes 9 stages and 2 unlockable secret areas. Once unlocked, you can save this achievment with your password.


We always aim to support as much hardware and MSX peripherals as we can.

This game supports the following sound chips:
Psg (for sound effects)
FM pac (opll) for music
Music Module (opl1) for music
Fm Pac + Music Module (both at the same time)
Moonsound (opl4) for music and sound effects.

It is optimized for the following CPU's:
Z80B (Panasonic 2+)
R800 (Panasonic Turbo R)

It works with any v9990 msx compatible cartridge and any opl4 msx compatible sound cartridge.

Minimum requirements:
v9990, Msx2 with 64k of RAM and FM pac or Music Module

v9990, Panasonic 2+ or Turbo R with OPL4 and 128k of RAM

Youtube video:

19,00 € inc. tax
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